Saturday, January 26, 2008

Star Student Chandler

This week at school Chandler was the star student. He gets his picture displayed in the hall and gets to bring home the letter box and estimation jar. They also send home a list of questions that they later post that helps you get to know him and I just had to share some of his answers.

Favorite Color - Green
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor - Chocolate
Favorite Toy - Digital Camera (He is quite the photographer. He takes pictures of everything. Be careful if you ever visit our home, you are not even safe in the bathroom)
I am Happiest When - I am playing the Wii with Dad
Favorite DVD - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

But the last question was priceless. The question was - What do you want to be when you grow up? - . In the past Chandler has always said, "A Daddy",but this time he surprised us all when he said, "I think when I grow up I will want to be a kid again!". Wow. He has it all figured out at 5!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Movie Review - PS I Love You

I went to the movies last Saturday with 5 of my playgroup Moms to see PS, I love You and I wanted to share my opinions of it with you. I cannot say that I recommend it because it was very sad. I cried through almost the whole movie. It dealt with moving on after the death of a loved one and I found it all very depressing. There were a few funny moments but sometimes I fell Hollywood is so out of touch with middle America. I went in to the movies expecting to see a romantic comedy and instead I saw a movie that had very little to do with romance and not many laughs! My recommendation, see it on video or just skip it all together!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Winning A Losing Battle

As most of you know, I have had weight issues most of my life. This past summer though it really hit me hard how much my weight was taking a toll on my life. I was ashamed to take the kids to the pool, because of the way I looked in a bathing suit and going to the pool was the boys favorite thing to do. I could not run and play with the kids in the backyard or on the playground. I did not sleep well at night and was winded going up and down the stairs in our home. I was stagnant. I had no energy.

On September 12th of this last year I decided I had to something and something permanent. I was sending myself down a path where I would not be able to enjoy my children growing up, or even worse, I might not live to see them have children of their own, and all because of all the problems that occur from being overweight and borderline obese. I wanted to be an example to my children of how to eat well and in moderation.

I am happy to report that since that day, I have lost 40lbs. and 23inches. I feel great and the weight is still coming off. I joined Jenny Craig and I have made major lifestyle changes including walking 3-4 times a week. I practice portion control and am eating more fruits and veggies in a day then I used to in a week. Over the holiday I actually lost 2lbs instead of gaining. I frequent the veggie trays at parties instead of all the chips and dips. I have more energy and gone from a 20W at Lane Bryant to a size 14/16 in a regular store. I feel great about myself. Jason loves my new figure. I still have another 30lbs to lose, but I am confident I will be there by the start of summer.

This year will be a great year, because I winning the battle of my weight and it does not control me. I plan to take my kids to the pool this year any time they ask and look good doing it!