Friday, January 18, 2008

Movie Review - PS I Love You

I went to the movies last Saturday with 5 of my playgroup Moms to see PS, I love You and I wanted to share my opinions of it with you. I cannot say that I recommend it because it was very sad. I cried through almost the whole movie. It dealt with moving on after the death of a loved one and I found it all very depressing. There were a few funny moments but sometimes I fell Hollywood is so out of touch with middle America. I went in to the movies expecting to see a romantic comedy and instead I saw a movie that had very little to do with romance and not many laughs! My recommendation, see it on video or just skip it all together!


Shannan said...

Good to know! They must have showed all the good stuff in the advertisements, as seems to be the case with movies of late.

Denise said...

Thanks for letting us know. I will be sure to stay away from it.