Friday, December 28, 2007

My Big Guy Chase

It's official. Chase, who is 3, weighs more that his big brother, Chandler, who is 5. I took them to the doctor today and Chase is 43.6 pounds, while Chandler is exactly 43 pounds. I think I have a future linebacker on my hands. He started off big (9lbs. 15 oz. ) and has not slowed down!


We had a great Christmas. We went to Jackson, MS to spend it with Jason's family and got home on Christmas night. The kids had a blast and Santa was very good to them. We got a Wii and it was so much fun playing it with all of the family! Here are a few pictures....

Looking at these pictures makes me realize how blessed we are!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Chatty Chandler

Chandler talks ALL DAY LONG! It is a constant stream of questions and comments everyday from the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep. I am not stupid and I know that he inherited this trait from me. As a couple Jason is the quite one and I am the one that talks. I have an Uncle who always called me "Chatty Cathy" as a child and I always got in trouble at school for talking too much. If I talked as much as Chandler does as a child I was one chatty girl.

This past Thursday Chandler was in a very talkative mood. Here is a few excerpts of the conversations I had with him...

He wakes me up at 6:30 am with "Mom, what's for breakfast? I am really hungry. Can I have Pop Tarts or cereal? Do you have Toaster Strudel with blue icing? Can I have toast and chocolate milk?" He never gives me a chance to respond. I just get out of bed and he follows me down stairs with this. "Mom, is it a school day? How many more days until I get to go to big boy school and start kindergarten? Can I ride the bus when I go to my new school? What shoes can I wear today?"

It was a school day so we got ready and loaded up in the car and it just kept going. "Mom, when is Christmas? When does Santa come? What kind of cookies can we make him? Oh, look Mom there is a polar bear in someones yard. Are polar bears good or bad? What about frogs? And flies - are they good or bad?" (it was an inflatable polar bear, not a real one, in case you were wondering)

I am thinking to myself where do you come up with all these questions. It never ends. He really lets me respond to one question before he asks another.

Later that night, we went to Christmas Journey at our church. Christmas Journey is a narrative of the life of Christ that you see driving through in your car and listening to a CD. It is beautiful and of course Chase and Kate just starred, but Chandler asked a million questions and this was my favorite: "Mom, how many Jesus' were there? He was a baby over there and here He is a boy and up there He is a Man." I told him that Jesus grew from a baby to a boy to a man, just like he had grown from a baby to a boy." He then looked me in the eye and as serious as possible in a questioning voice said "I'm a Man?"

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pictures of the Kids

Here are some new pictures of the kids. We could not get one of them all together due to Sir GrumpyPants (aka: Chase) but theses were my favorites. We did get one good family shot, but I am saving that for Christmas cards! Happy Wednesday!

Did I ever tell you about the time I went to the DMV

So this happened about a year ago but I told this story at Thanksgiving and everyone laughed so I had to share it with all of you...

I went to the DMV to update my driver's licenses with all three kids. Kate was still pretty small. When we got there the line was so long, it backed up outside the door. It never fails when I have to run an errand with all three kids that there will be a line or it will be busy. It is as if a crowd follows me. Businesses should hire me to come to there location when the kids are tired or bored or just plain being themselves because it is always busy when I show up, but that is another story. So back to the DMV, the line is very long.

About half way through Chandler tells me he has to go to the bathroom. I sweetly tell him (or in my mind it was sweet) we are not getting out of the line. We advance a little and again he tells me he has to go to the bathroom and I tell him to hold it. We advance more and again he reminds me that he has to go and I firmly inform him to hold it because there is no way we are going to the end of the line.

Finally we make it to the front and are the next in line. Chandler once again reminds me he has to go and I say "Just hold it for one more minute, Chandler because I am not getting out of this line" (and it was not sweet this time). So in true Chandler form (the child is not quite) he firmly and loudly tells me, "Mom my butt is opening up and the poop is coming out".

As if on cue, the DMVattendant says, "Next" and I relinquished my spot in line and took Chandler to the bathroom.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

So I'm Going to Africa

So I told you in my last blog that the next mission trip to South Africa that my church went on I was going. Well, today I found out that there is a Worship & Arts trip going to South Africa on July 2-12. So I looked at Jason and said, "I'm going". He is being totally supportive because he knows how much this means to me. I called my Mom and asked her to watch my kids while I'm gone and e-mailed the Pastor to tell him to count me in. I do not know how I am going to pay for it all, or how it all works, but I am going! They work a lot with children who are terminally ill from AIDS. I just feel called to do this! So pray for me that everything will work out as I take this leap of faith!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Keeping Christ in Christmas

So, I have been complaining about my kids ever growing Christmas list. It seems every time we go to a store or see a magazine its "I want this" or "Can Santa get me this". Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thomas trains, leapster games, skateboards, the list goes on and on. I have always wanted Christmas to be about Christ and not Santa focused. But here we are a month away from Christmas and we are completely focused on Santa. How do I get my kids to realize the true meaning of Christmas. I find myself asking the question, "Where are they getting this from?"

Certainly not from me right. I am Christ Centered during the holiday. Well, the more I thought about it, the more I realized they are learning it from me. I had a list a mile long for Jason of things I wanted this year. He never gets it right unless I give him a specific list. This years list included a Coach Bag, gift cards for clothes, perfume, with the ability to change it if I see something different I like. All a bunch of meaningless stuff. Sound familiar.

Then I went to a friends presentation on her Mission trip to South Africa. She retold countless stories of children and adults dying of AIDS and being alone. I found myself crying as she told story, after story of holding a baby who was terminally ill with no one to care for them. But that is in Africa, and it seems so far away and what can I really do. She made such a profound statement that it changed my whole way of thinking. "We can make a difference. They do so much with so little, and we do so little with so much". Talk about a rude awakening.

So this Holiday Season I will be an example to my children. No Coach Bag, No perfume. I will spend both time and money showing those that need it most Christ through my actions. A local Christian shelter called the Samaritan Inn needs food, clothing, and toys for the many children they house. I will be giving all I can this holiday season and the next Mission trip to South Africa that I have the opportunity to take I will be on.

My Children will see the true meaning of Christmas this year through the person who influences them the most. ME!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Your the First Mom to Ever Ask About That

So, I consider myself an innovator, paving the way for all you Moms out there. I hope that you can gain insight and get ideas to raise your children from this blog. So here is a little story you can refer to if you child ever does this:

So, as I told you Jason is was out of town last Wednesday night. I was so proud of myself for getting all the kids to bed on time with no tears. By 8:30 I was reading a book and by ten I was ready for bed. So I started my usual ritual and brushed my teeth, washed my face, went to take out my contact lenses and SURPRISE I could not find my contact storage case. I let Kate play with it that morning (yes it was empty when she was playing with it) and she sweetly put it up where I could not find it. No problem. The boys are BIG water drinkers at night and I keep Dixie Cups in their bathroom so they can get up in the middle of the night and help themselves. So I went and grabbed two of them and wrote L on one and R on the other so I could tell them apart. I took them out and put a small amount of saline solution in the bottom, turned off the light and went to bed.

Now, My kids know when Dad is out of town and at least one of them will wake up in the night and ask to sleep with me. I always say yes. This particular night it was Chandler and he snuggled up to me around 2 am. The night goes on and at some point I hear Chandler get up and make his way to the bathroom to get some water. I hear him cough. He comes back to bed. I ask him if he is okay and he says yes. We go back to bed.

Flash forward to Thursday morning. I am getting ready for school. I go to put my contacts in and guess what. Yes, the L cup is empty. I wonder what happened to it when it all floods back. I call Chandler upstairs and ask him where he got water last night. He tells me what I already know. He drank from my contact cup and as he put it "It tasted funny".

So I finish getting ready and then my warped mind kicks into overdrive and I thinking "will it hurt him to swallow that contact and saline solution?" Is this one of those things that will land me on Oprah as a hidden danger all Moms should know about. So I quick call the pediatrician and get the nurses line. The first nurse is new and says I do not know let me ask the other nurse. She get on the line, laughing I might add, and says let me ask the the nurse practitioner. She gets on the line (laughing once again) and says Amie (and yes we see them so much we are on a first name basis) "I think you are the first Mom to ever call with this problem, but Chandler will be fine. The contact is water soluble and the saline solution is salt water. " Whew. My reply, "Well I am just paving the way for ALL those Moms out there that have a child that will one day swallow their contact lens". I know, hold you applause.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My First Blog

I know that it is crazy that I am blogging, but it is a great way to share with family and friends who live so far away. Even though my kids drive me crazy sometimes they make me laugh ALOT! This morning at Bible study someone suggested I blog because my stories about my kids were so funny and entertaining and then a friend sent me a link to her blog, and I thought okay God what are you telling me. It came to just then. You can share with everyone what's going on whenever you want and people can read it whenever they want. It works great for everyone and helps me share the joy(and pain) of my family! So this is an invitation for everyone to check my blog and check in with us anytime!

So here goes....

Jason is out of town for the next couple of days and it is always stressful when he is gone. This morning was crazy getting out of the house for Bible study. The boys wanted to wear hats and then fought over which hat they got to wear. Chandler wanted his U of TEXAS hat and Chase wanted his Dad's Ole Miss hat. Then Chandler wanted a hat of his Dads but he only wanted the one Chase had and Chase refused to wear the TEXAS hat. Chase insisted he did not like orange only blue. I tried reasoning but it did not work and after a lot of tears and threats (by me) Chandler finally decided on his Dad's hat that he mows the grass in (which smelled horrible) and Chase somehow ended up with the Texas hat (he decided he liked orange after all).

We got to church at 9:29 and Bible study starts at 9:30. We would have been on time had in not been for the whole hat incident. The first ten minutes is usually ladies just talking so I thought maybe I can drop of the kids in their room and make it in before the lesson starts. But No, Kate had removed her hair bow, shoes and socks. I quickly put them all back on and unbuckled her and picked her up. And that when I smelled, the smell. Poop. It happens, I know, but this morning in my rush to get the kidos out the door I hastily applied her diaper with half of her little fanny hanging out. Poor thing. So I went to work. I took off the shoes, socks, and hair bow as well as the clothes. I wiped everything down and reapplied the diaper (correctly this time) and went to look for her change of clothes. Well, I am usually very organized, but somehwere in the crazyness of my life I forgot to change out the kids clothes when the weather got cold. So all I had for Kate to wear was a summer sleeveless dress that was just a little tooo tight and the high today was 65. I know, bad Mommy. But she did have a jacket. And it just so happened her hair bow matched the dress perefecly, so all hope was not lost!

But there is more. Chandler had filled a gift bag that he got for his birthday with toys and brought it in the car. I thought nothing of it because the boys always bring toys in the car. But this was different. He brought the toys for his best friend Ethan. I told him no the toys stay in the car. He said "But I NEED to give this to Ethan". Anyways we went back and forth and I finally reasoned with him to put it down. He gets out and go to unbuckle Chase. And he picks up the bag and Chandler looses it. He cries and gets so dramatic and Chase is now refusing to put the bag down. So I lay DOWN the law (if you get my drift) right there in the parking just as one of the pastors on staff at our church walks by. He smiles at me and says, "Having a bad day?" . My reply, "Not really, this is pretty normal in our family."

So. I finally made it to Bible Study at 9:45. I sit down get a cup of coffee when I realized Kate has left me a reminder of her earlier accident on my shirt sleeve and I forgot my Bible study workbook. I am just about to cry when we start to discuss the days lesson on God's love. It was so refreshing and I so needed it. When I picked up my kids I gave them great big kisses and hugs, because I know even when they fight, poop on me, or have a melt down they are a gift from God and he loves me unconditionally.

Happy Wednesday!