Friday, November 9, 2007

Your the First Mom to Ever Ask About That

So, I consider myself an innovator, paving the way for all you Moms out there. I hope that you can gain insight and get ideas to raise your children from this blog. So here is a little story you can refer to if you child ever does this:

So, as I told you Jason is was out of town last Wednesday night. I was so proud of myself for getting all the kids to bed on time with no tears. By 8:30 I was reading a book and by ten I was ready for bed. So I started my usual ritual and brushed my teeth, washed my face, went to take out my contact lenses and SURPRISE I could not find my contact storage case. I let Kate play with it that morning (yes it was empty when she was playing with it) and she sweetly put it up where I could not find it. No problem. The boys are BIG water drinkers at night and I keep Dixie Cups in their bathroom so they can get up in the middle of the night and help themselves. So I went and grabbed two of them and wrote L on one and R on the other so I could tell them apart. I took them out and put a small amount of saline solution in the bottom, turned off the light and went to bed.

Now, My kids know when Dad is out of town and at least one of them will wake up in the night and ask to sleep with me. I always say yes. This particular night it was Chandler and he snuggled up to me around 2 am. The night goes on and at some point I hear Chandler get up and make his way to the bathroom to get some water. I hear him cough. He comes back to bed. I ask him if he is okay and he says yes. We go back to bed.

Flash forward to Thursday morning. I am getting ready for school. I go to put my contacts in and guess what. Yes, the L cup is empty. I wonder what happened to it when it all floods back. I call Chandler upstairs and ask him where he got water last night. He tells me what I already know. He drank from my contact cup and as he put it "It tasted funny".

So I finish getting ready and then my warped mind kicks into overdrive and I thinking "will it hurt him to swallow that contact and saline solution?" Is this one of those things that will land me on Oprah as a hidden danger all Moms should know about. So I quick call the pediatrician and get the nurses line. The first nurse is new and says I do not know let me ask the other nurse. She get on the line, laughing I might add, and says let me ask the the nurse practitioner. She gets on the line (laughing once again) and says Amie (and yes we see them so much we are on a first name basis) "I think you are the first Mom to ever call with this problem, but Chandler will be fine. The contact is water soluble and the saline solution is salt water. " Whew. My reply, "Well I am just paving the way for ALL those Moms out there that have a child that will one day swallow their contact lens". I know, hold you applause.

1 comment:

brooke said...

snicker. should I tell you about the time I had to call poison control because S got some cornstarch powder in him?! :)